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Privacy Policy

PERI Formwork and Scaffolding (Thailand) Ltd.


Peri Formworks & Scaffolding (Thailand) Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of personal data and other information about you (collectively, "Information") so that you can be confident that the company has transparency and accountability in the collection. Use or disclose your information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (B.E. 2562) and other relevant laws. As a result, this policy has been prepared to explain the collection's details to you. Use or disclose (collectively, "process") personal data processed by the company, including its officers and related persons acting on its behalf or on its behalf, subject to the following conditions.

2. Scope of Policy Enforcement

This policy applies to the personal information of individuals who have or may have a relationship with the company now or in the future. personal data by the company, officers, contractual employees, business entities, or other forms of entities operated by the company, including parties or third parties that process personal data on behalf of or on behalf of the company ("personal data processors") under products and services such as the Website. systems, applications, documents, or other forms of services maintained by the company (collectively, the "Services").

Individuals who are related to the company as defined in the first paragraph include

  1. Individual clients
  2. Staff members, workers, or employees
  3. Natural-person partners and service providersDirectors, attorneys, representatives, shareholders, employees, or other juristic persons with a similar relationship to the Company
  4. Users who have used the company's products or services
  5. Visitors to or use of the website “” (Company website), including the Company's systems, applications, devices, or other communication channels.
  6. Other individuals from whom the Company collects personal information, such as job applicants, staff’s families, guarantors, insurance policy beneficiaries, and so on.

Articles 1–6 are referred to collectively as "You."

In addition to this Policy, the Company may require a Privacy Policy notice ("Notice") for its products or services in order to notify the Personal Data Subject who is a User of the Personal Data being processed. The purpose and legal basis for processing; period of retention of personal information, including the personal data subject's right to personal data in particular products or services.

In the event of a material conflict between the terms of this Privacy Notice and this policy, subject to the privacy notice of that service.

3. Definition

- Personal data means information about a natural person. which makes it possible to identify that person either directly or indirectly but does not include information about the deceased in particular.

- Sensitive Personal Data means personal data as provided for in Section 26 of the Personal Data Protection Act. B.E. 2562, such as philosophy or cult religion, sexual behavior, criminal records, health information, disability, trade union information, genetic data, biological data, or any other information that affects the owner of personal data in a similar manner as specified in the notification of the Personal Data Protection Committee 

Processing of personal data means any processing of personal data, such as collecting, recording, copying, organizing, retaining, updating, changing, using, recovering, disclosing, forwarding, disseminating, transferring, merging, deleting, destroying, etc.

- Personal Data Subject means an individual who owns personal data that the company collects, uses, or discloses.

- A Personal Data Controller means a person or legal entity who has the authority to make decisions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data.

- A Personal Data Processor means a person or a legal entity who performs a task relating to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data on an order or on behalf of a Personal Data Controller.

4. The source of personal information collected by the company

The company collects or obtains various types of personal information from the following sources:

  1. Personal data collected directly from the data subject by the company via various service channels, such as the process of applying, registering, applying for jobs, signing contracts, documenting, completing surveys, or using products, services, or other controlled service channels. When the subject of personal data communicates with the company at the office or through other communication channels supervised by the company, etc.
  2. Information collected by the Company from the personal data subject accessing the website, Other products or services under contract or under a mission, such as website behavior tracking products or services of the Company via the use of Cookies or from software on the Personal Data Subject's device, etc.
  3. Personal data collected by the company from sources other than the personal data subject if such sources have the authority. There are legitimate grounds or consent from the personal data subject to disclose the information to the company, such as connecting government agencies' digital services to provide comprehensive public benefit services to the personal data subject, receiving personal data from other government agencies as part of the company's mission to provide a central information exchange center to assist government agencies in providing services to people via the system. digital, including as a result of a contractual requirement to provide contractual services in which personal data may be exchanged with contractual entities.
  4. This also applies if you are a third-party personal information provider to the company, in which case you are responsible for providing details under this policy or announcements of products or services, as applicable, to such parties. as well as obtaining that person's consent if consent is required to disclose information to the company.

If the owner of the personal data refuses to provide information required to provide the services, the Company may be unable to provide that service to the owner of such personal data in whole or in part.

5. Collection of personal data

The company will collect personal data with the consent of the personal data subject first except in the following cases:

  1. To perform the contract. In the case of collecting, using, or disclosing personal data for the purpose of providing services or performing a contract between the data subject and the company
  2. To prevent or suppress a threat to one's life, body, or health.
  3. To comply with the law.
  4. For the legitimate interests of the company, in the event of necessity for the legitimate interests of the company's operations. The company will consider the rights of the data subject as important as preventing fraud, network security protection, freedom of the owner of the information, etc.
  5. In the case of research studies or statistics, In the case of historical documents or archives for the public benefit or related to research or statistics, which provide appropriate safeguards to protect data subjects' rights and freedom.
  6. To perform state missions. If it is necessary to perform the mission for the public interest or the performance of duties under the powers of the state that the company has been assigned,

If it is necessary for the company to collect your personal data for the performance of the contract, performance of duties under the law or the necessity of entering into a contract, and you refuse to provide personal information or object to processing for the purpose of the activity, it may result in the company being unable to perform or provide the services you have requested in whole or in part.

6. Personal data types collected by the company

To collect and store personal information. The company will use legal means only to the extent necessary to achieve its operational goals, which include


Types of personal data

Descriptions and examples

Personal data

Data that personally identifies you, such as your name and surname, date of birth, age, nationality, identification number,

signature, position, etc.

Contact information

Your contact information, such as address, phone number, e-mail address, social network username, etc.

Official Document Information

Your official document information, such as a copy of your ID card, a copy of your house registration, a copy of your passport, etc.

Financial Information

Your financial information, such as a copy of your bank account, your credit card number, etc.

Data collected by the company or through automation from various company devices

Data collected by the company or its automated systems from various company devices, such as IP addresses, cookies, service behavior, order history, photos, etc.

Sensitive Personal Data

Your sensitive personal data, such as race, religion, disability information, Criminal records, biological data (photographic data), health information, etc.


7. Cookies

The Company collects and uses cookies and other similar technologies    on        websites under its supervision, such as (the Company website), or on your device according to the services you use. This is for the purpose of operating the security of the company's services and providing you, the user, with a comfortable and good experience. In using the company's service, this information will be used to improve the company's website to better meet your needs. You can manually set or delete the use of cookies from the settings in your web browser.

8. Purpose of collecting personal data

The company collects your personal information for variety purposes. This depends on the type of product or service or activity you use, as well as the nature of your relationship with the company. Considerations in each context are important. The purposes stated below are just a general framework for the company's use of personal data. Only the purposes related to the products or services you use or have a relationship with will apply to your information.

  1. To enter a contract or perform duties under a contract between the company and the owner of the information for the benefit of the data subject, or to perform duties under contracts between the company and third parties for the benefit of the data subject.
  2. To respond to questions and assist the data subject.
  3. To develop and improve the company's products and company's services to better respond to the needs of the data subject.
  4. To provide information and recommend products, services, or public relations for marketing campaigns or privileged through contact channels received from the data subject. As the data subject has given consent as agreed upon with the company.
  5. To survey opinions, analyze, conduct research, and produce statistical data for marketing or the development and improvement of the company's operations. As the data subject has given consent as agreed with the company.
  6. For the benefit of the company's internal management or operations that are required under the legitimate interests.
  7. To inspect, supervise, and secure the building area or company premises.
  8. For compliance with laws relating to the company's operations, such as withholding tax.
  9. To provide information to government agencies with statutory authority, such as the National Police Anti-Money Laundering Office, the Revenue Department, and the Courts.
  10. To perform any accounting and financial activities such as auditing, notification, and debt collection. The use of various welfare benefits, taxes, and evidence of various transactions required by law.
  11. For the company's legitimate interests, such as recording complaints through the Call Center system and images through CCTV cameras.
  12. To investigate and comply with the laws, regulations, or legal duties of the Company
  13. Use the data to confirm the client's identity.
  14. Other purposes with your express consent.

9. Forwarding and disclosure of personal data

The company will not disclose or forward your personal information to third parties unless you expressly consent or in the following circumstances:

  1. To achieve the goals outlined in this Privacy Policy. Only necessary information may be required to be disclosed or shared with partners, service providers, or external entities. As required by law, the company will enter into a personal data processing agreement.
  2. The Company may disclose or personal data with its subsidiaries. It will only use the information for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.
  3. To comply with a lawful order or request, the law or legal process requires disclosure or disclosure to official government officials or a competent authority.

10. Data transfer or forwarding to aboard

The Company may transmit or transfer personal data to aboard. This ensures that the destination country or authority has adequate privacy protection standards and policies in place.

11. Period for collecting your personal data

The company will keep your personal data only as long as it is required for the purpose for which it was collected, as specified in the policy, announcements, or in accordance with applicable laws. However, once the period has expired and your personal information is no longer required for such purposes, the company will either delete and destroy your personal data or make it more identifiable in accordance with the forms and standards of personal data erasure. However, if a dispute, exercise of rights, or lawsuit involving your personal data arises, the company reserves the right to retain such information until the dispute is resolved by order or judgment.

12. Personal data protection

The company will implement technical safeguards and appropriate management to protect and secure your personal information. It provides encryption for information transmission over the internet and restricts access to your personal information to those involved in the storage of information in the form of documents as well as electronically.

13. Connecting to third-party websites or services

The company's services may be linked to third-party websites or third-party services, which may announce a personal data protection policy that differs from this policy. To learn more, we recommend that you read the personal data protection policy of that website or service. The Company is not affiliated with, and has no control over, such websites' or services' personal data protection measures and cannot be held liable for the content, policies, damages, or actions caused by third-party websites or services.

14. Personal Data Protection Officer

The Company has appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer to perform the functions of checking, supervising, and advising on the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data, as well as coordinate and cooperate with the Personal Data Protection Commission's Office in order to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562.

15. Your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562

You can apply for various rights as required by law and as stated in this announcement:

  1. The right to request access and obtain a copy of personal data
  2. The right to update and correct the data
  3. The right to obtain personal information if the company has made the personal data readable or generally usable by using an automated tool or device and the personal data can be used or disclosed by an automated means.
  4. The right to request deletion or destruction or to make personal data non-personally identifiable when the data becomes unnecessary or when the subject of personal data withdraws consent.
  5. The right to request a suspension of personal data use when personal data needs to be deleted or when such data is no longer required.
  6. The right to withdraw consent to the processing of previously provided data by the service user.
  7. The right to object the owner of the personal data has the right to object to the collection, use, or disclosure of the information at any time.

16. Penalty for non-compliance with the Privacy Policy

Non-compliance with the policy may be considered an offense and subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the company's rules (for company officers or operators) or personal data processing agreements (for processors of personal data), as applicable, and your relationship with the company, as well as penalties as prescribed by the Personal Data Protection Act (B.E. 2562), including secondary legislation, rules, regulations, and relevant orders.

17. Complaints to supervisory authorities

If you discover that the company has not complied with the personal data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Committee or the supervisory authority designated by the Personal Data Protection Committee or by law, including addressing your concerns at the first opportunity.

18. Privacy Policy Updates

The company may consider improving to amend or change this policy at its discretion and will notify you through the website (company website) with the effective date of each revised version. However, the company encourages you to check regularly for new versions of this policy through specific channels for activities carried out by the company, especially before you disclose personal information to the company.

Access to the company's products or services following the implementation of the new policy. This constitutes your acceptance of the new policy's terms. If you do not agree with the details in this policy, please discontinue access and contact the company for further clarification.


19. Inquiries or exercise of rights

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the Company's collection, use, or disclosure of personal data, or about this policy, or if you want to exercise your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act, please contact us at:

  1. Personal Data Controller

Peri Formwork and Scaffolding (Thailand) Ltd.

33/4 The Ninth Tower Grand Rama 9 (Tower B), 27th Floor, Unit TNB02, Rama 9 Road, Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310

Tel no. +66 (0)2-168-1320

2. Data Protection Office (DPO)

Peri Formwork and Scaffolding (Thailand) Ltd

33/4 The Ninth Tower Grand Rama 9 (Tower B), 27th Floor, Unit TNB02, Rama 9 Road, Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310

Tel no. +66 (0)2-168-1320



By informing the following information for the exercise of the rights of the personal data subject

    • Name, surname, ID card number or passport number
    • Concerns about personal information or rights that are required by law.
    • Include your phone number, address, and an e-mail address where you can be reached.


Announced on 31 May 2022


Stefan Euchenhofer

Managing Director